September 2024: Christine Miller is permanently relocating to the University of Cambridge, effective October 1st
September 2024: Postdoctoral Associate Christina Salerno and NSF REU student Grace Bane have travelled to the UK to work in collaboration with Prof. Federle on the biomechanics of insect weapons.
August 2024: The Miller Lab set up shop at the Florida Natural History Museum for several days to encourage public interaction as we go about our research. Activities include insect dissections, bug fights, pin the leg on the leaf-footed bug (a depiction!), and much more.
July 2024: Christine Miller has been promoted to the rank of Professor at the University of Florida.
June 2024: James Boothroyd has received a $1000 Sigma-Xi Grant in Aid of Research to use in understanding the influence of diet on life-history trade-offs.
May 2024: Congratulations to Yichen Li for successfully defending her M.S. thesis.
May 2024: Christine Miller received the "Golden Gator" award from the University of Florida, otherwise known as the UF Large Grant Leadership Award.
March 2024: James Boothroyd, Ph.D Candidate in our research group, has received the university-wide Graduate Student Teaching Award. This is an incredible accomplishment. Congratulations to James on a job well done.
March 2024: Congratulations to undergraduate researcher, Giovanna Avellar Figueredo, for acceptance into the UF University Scholars Program for the 2024-2025 academic year. We look forward to working with you on some exciting projects.
January 2024: Yichen Li, James Boothroyd, and Christine Miller delivered research presentations at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) meeting in Seattle.
October 2023: A hearty welcome to Christina Salerno, a new postdoctoral associate in the lab.
September 2023: Congratulations to James Boothroyd for advancing to Ph.D. candidacy.
August 2023: We are busy visiting the Florida outdoors to collect prickly pear for all our (exciting) upcoming projects. All this planning, and now its time to get these projects going.
August 2023: Alva Mihalik joins the lab as a intern for the next year. Welcome!
July 2023: Dr. Miller is back in Florida after a terrific year-long sabbatical in the U.K.
April 2023: We are advertising multiple positions! See the Opportunities page for more details.
February 2023: Are you an early career faculty or advanced postdoc working in the field of animal behavior? If so, consider registering for the Weaving the Future of Animal Behavior (WFAB) 2023 workshop. Gail Patricelli, Karan Odom, and I are organizing the events this year!
January 2023: Yichen Li presented a poster at the SICB 2023 meeting in Austin, Texas.
November 2022: Congratulations to Yichen Li for successfully completing her M.S. proposal on the effect of male-male competition on female injury.
November 2022: Dr. Christine Miller spoke as part of the Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution Seminar Series at the University of Cambridge.
October 2022: Sam Zlotnik successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and is soon moving on to a career in science-writing.
August 2022: Dr. Christine Miller is in Cambridge, UK for a year-long academic sabbatical
August 2022: The Miller Lab has received a $1.2M National Science Foundation award to advance understanding on the evolution of animal weaponry.